Kids DIY: Prayer Jar

Last year, I opened up to a friend about a concern I was having. It wasn't a major concern, but as a mother, we want the best for our kids. I noticed Kai,just turned 4 at this point, was always praying the same thing. "Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for my mom & my dad. Thank you for our house. Thank you for our food. Thank you for our house. Help me be a good boy. Amen" Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad prayer, but I knew that his vocabulary allowed him to pray with more detail.

My friend had suggested we start a prayer jar for Kai. What a BRILLIANT idea! We made him one back then and it's help him pray so much better!!! Since Kai is now almost 5, I figured it was a good time to update his prayer jar and write a blog about it to share this genius idea with you all. A prayer jar is great for ages 3 and up.

All you need is:

- A piece of paper ( I used a sturdy paper because I want these to last a year)

- Scissors or if you want to get creative a paper punch looks great and is super simple

- Marker or Pen.

- A jar ( last year, I used plastic tupperware with a lid)

First you cut out shapes or punch them.

Littles ones can help, with adult supervision, of course. I recommend cutting out at least 20 (a perfect moment to get your little one counting too). And remember, you do have to write on these, so be sure not to make them too small.

Then, on each shape write 1 of your child's prayer request (person's name or a need).

I asked Kai to tell me who he wanted me to add. He started with immediate family and once I suggested a few other names, he continued to add names and needs. A few of my favorites that he came up were: His teachers, Donald Trump (yep, he knows The president's name and boy do we need to pray for him! amen?), fire fighters, orphans ( he actually said "kids with no moms and dads"), and WOJ (he hears us pray for our business). My heart melted!!

 Feel free to add some that are important and pertinent to your family. 

Every night before we pray, he picks one prayer request. Then, we each take turns praying and we each incorporate that prayer request that he pulled out of the jar.

If he chooses a prayer that I added, such as finances, I use it as a teachable moment before we start praying, so he understands what he needs to pray about. I explain to him that we have to ask God to help us use our money wisely, for God to help us know what he want versus what we need. 

It's quite amazing how God work through us parents. As we teach our children, God teaches us. There's been so many time when I was reading Kai a simple bible verse or a bible story and God would reveal something to me that I've never thought about before. When I started this prayer jar for Kai, I ended up making myself one as well. Every Sunday, I pick a name/need and pray for it for the entire week. If it's a person I know very well, I like to text and ask if they have any prayer requests. 

I hope this was helpful and inspired you to do something similar with your little ones.

Make it a great day!

Kristina =)    (<----- that old school smile face)




MAKE it a great day!