Location: Savannah, Georia
Make-up: Makeup by Katie K
Jerico has known Jeff since Middle School, so he became like a brother to me. One day, I got the usual series of snap chats from Jeff - him stuffing donuts in his mouth.. The last snap, however, was a picture of an engagement ring- I couldn't believe it! I replied "Stop playing!" He then sent a picture of him with the ring asking if he did good. I told him I had to see it for myself! Guys, he did GOOD, really good!!
Jeff planned a mini vacation to Epcot. Minutes prior to his proposal, Jerico and I got a snap chat from Jeff letting us know he was about to propose. Callie had no idea! Once the fireworks started, Jeff got down on one knee, pulled out the beautiful ring and asked Callie to marry him. Callie is truly perfect for Jeff and we are so happy she said yes!!!
Taking their engagement pictures was a breeze. Their love for one another took over all of the posing. It was kinda like we were just on a double date with them and just so happened to have our cameras with us.
We are so excited for you, Jeff & Callie! We can't wait to be a part of your wedding day and continue to do life with you guys as a married couple!