Downtown Jacksonville, Florida Engagement Session | Morgan + Rusty
“As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen!” - Winnie the Pooh
So I’ve blogged quite a few couples that met online, but this couple, they got to know each other online, however, were actually set up by the bride-to-be’s family member!!! now that, thats a first!
Morgan + Rusty’s story began in July of 2016, when they started sending messages via Facebook Messenger, after being set up by Morgan’s Aunt. They continued getting to know each other through long messages, sometimes waiting days for responses from one another. Morgan likes to think of their relationship as the modern version of the movie “You’ve Got Mail," where the protagonists get to know each other by exchanging letters (only Morgan and Rusty didn’t have to wait so long for a response.)
When Rusty came to visit Morgan in Jacksonville Florida, Morgan took him to the Riverwalk and Friendship fountain so we thought that would be a great place to have their engagement session. And it was perfect!
Our intentions was to start at the friendship fountain but in true Jax fashion, it was under construction and was completely blocked off. However, that didn’t even faze Morgan + Rusty. So, we started NEAR the friendship fountain and then finished their engagement session with a beautiful sunset on the top floor of a garage which overlooks downtown. We had such a great time hanging out, guessing Disney songs as they played on the speaker and catching Pokemon. I love how you both compliment each other and have a great time no matter what you’re doing.
Morgan and Rusty, we are so excited for your wedding and cant wait to watch you become husband and wife. Morgan, you were right when you said that life was about to change when you met Rusty but now, its going to get EVEN better!
see you soon!!
Kristina + Jerico